
Neue Informationen zum Sterben von George Floyd:


Christenverfolgung: Je stärker die Christenverfolgung, desto stärker der Glaube. Ein Pfarrer sagte: Du kannst einen Affen nicht vom Baum schütteln. Warum nicht? Er klammert sich immer fester an. So klammern sich Glaubende immer fester an Christus fest.


In China wird es für Christen wieder einmal immer schwerer:

Das Gebet einer Christin, deren Mann verhaftet wurde:

Derfu’s wife recently published a letter to Christians around the world calling for prayer. It is incredibly transparent and heartbreaking at the same time:

„Beloved brothers and sisters… I earnestly ask for your prayers for me and my family.
It has been over six months since [my husband] has been incarcerated. At first, he would make phone calls from prison to let me know he is ok. While the calls lasted about two to three minutes, by hearing his voice, I knew he was alive. Although I could not see his face, at least I knew that he was alive somewhere, and that God saw his face.
However, starting from the end of March, I have not received any phone calls. Having no word from him for over seventy days has made me extremely worried. My rationality wants me to believe that he is alive, because God is with him, but my emotions have struck me, as if striking an enemy, causing great pain. 
Once, my husband led a busy life as an overseer of the church, and all I ever wished was that in the evening he would return home a little earlier. Now, the remaining hope that I have is painfully small as all I hope every day is to receive a three-minute phone call.
But even this has become an extravagant hope!
Oh Lord, let me follow You; let me touch the edge of your cloak, because I am less worthy than the woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years.
I know my weakness, so I implore upon my brothers and sisters to pray for me, and pray for my husband Qin Derfu. May God have mercy on us, as humble and unworthy as we are!“


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